Low Sex Drive..... 😞 Feeling defeated...

My husband & I have been together almost 17 years, married almost 11. He's always had a lower sex drive then me. As the years go on it's more frustrating especially since TTC for 2 1/2 years. We're both 34 no children. I've been to a fertility Dr. Seems I don't produce enough progesterone on my Own to concieve naturally, easily. (He's been seen also & is perfectly normal) So our chances are slim. It's definitely put a strain on our relationship but we're a strong couple & have started taking steps to adopt. I'm new to this site & just curious if anyone else is in a similarl boat as me. I need to help get a little spice back into our sex life. ( I'm always the one that has to initiate unfortunately) I tried a medication as a trail to help conceive obviously didn't work called Femara or (Letrozole) I've considered trying it again it's similar to clomid. Any help with suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.