Juli and Evelyn, take 10

Hey, Juli!  How are you doing?  How'd the ultrasound go? We're not doing anything different this cycle. I always tell myself I'm going to "try less" but I'm such a control freak that it's nearly impossible.  I went an visited my parents this weekend an my mother was all over me about babies. I lied (yes, I feel guilty but she's so pushy and such a gossip that I didn't feel like I had a choice) and told her we had just started trying. I can't tell you how many times I repeated that it's normal for a couple to take up to a year. Then she starts going on and on about how she got pregnant on the first month trying (she was 24). I pointe out I'm a bit older than she was an that my job is extremely high stress and long hours. She then countered with how she accidentally got pregnant at age 30 while teaching, getting her masters at night, and had a 2 and 3 yo at home. I don't point out that she was still 2 yrs younger than I am and she'd already had 2 babies which by definition makes you more likely to get pregnant. It just made me feel like she  was trying to make me feel like there's something wrong with me. I wish I had just lied about trying. Then later on she announces to my brother and his wife and my father that we're trying. Didn't ask me, just announced it. I'm a very private person and I didn't want anyone knowing because I don't want anyone's pity or curiosity. I have you and Steven and y'all are really the only ppl I want to talk about it with. Well, and my doctor as soon as I actually make an appt. Okay! Rant over! Thanks for letting me vent😄 Any change on your Clomid dose this month? Are you trying anything different?