Friend help

I recently became friends with this girl. We hit it off and started hanging out a lot and just spending a lot of time together. Then I realized that she doesn't really have any other friends than me and would text me non stop about her ex and how she doesn't want anything to do with him. Just kind of like making up problems that weren't really there and it felt like she was doing that just as an excuse to text me. She always asks if I have plans upcoming and I usually say yes and she says something like "oh I guess I won't be doing anything than" as if I'm the only person she can hang out with. I told my boyfriend that I kind of want to hang back a little bit and not have her be so reliant on me and he said that was mean because I'm supposed to be her friend. I understand what he's saying but I don't think it's healthy for her to be this clingy to me. She'll go off about well can you hangout now and I'll say n. Then she'll be like okay what about later tonight. I get she just wants to hang out and be friends but she's becoming very attached to me very quickly and I don't know what to do about it. It's getting to the point where I almost can't stand her. She's always right there next to me in school and I feel like I'm always with her even when I don't want to be. She's even started to be mean to my other friends that I've had before I became friends with her. I don't know what to do! Help!!