Worried Mummy

Hi Ladies im 25w3d with bubs #2 and had an ultrasound yesterday that confirmed our little girl has some issues. They discovered at my 20 week u/s (which actually happened at 22 weeks) we were told one of her legs were shorter. Yesterday was confirmed that they were actually both significantly shorter legs femur bone meassuring at 17 weeks and arms at 22 weeks. Head chest etc meassured at the right size. They want to do more testing as they are not sure what the problem is yet, its one of 4 things 1. Down Syndrome 2. Skeletal dysplasia 3. My placenta not doing its job. Or 4. A small baby (which we were told is the least likely of the lot). Im booked into to see a geneticist next Tuesday and discuss it more and decide on having an amneocenticis that day also. The post really is to see if anyone else has gone through something similar? Anything advice/experience will be fantastic. Sorry about the long post.