My girl! ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽ€

Kate โ€ข Expecting baby #2 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป
My baby girl was born January 14, 2016 via emergency c section. I was already a week and one day past my due date. After many non stress tests and 2 failed inductions (I never dilated past 1 cm) I finally convinced my doctor to let me wait till January 17 to be induced again, then I would be 42 weeks and she wouldn't let me wait any longer.
Well that very evening my water broke. I got out of bed to pee and felt this warm fluid just pouring out of me. Imagine my fear when I ran to the toilet to find blood pooled in my pants and all over the floor/toilet. We are rushed to the hospital and they did a test that confirmed it was my water. They said changes in the cervix sometimes cause the blood.
I was in labor for 26 hours. They started pitosin immediately. 18 hours later I FINALLY hit 4 cm and got an epidural. I was monitored for the next 6 hours and NEVER got past 4 cm. I was trying to do different positions to get the baby to move down but nothing was successful. I was so exhausted I was slumping down in the bed falling asleep when trying to sit on my knees with my arms over the top of the bed. Needless to say, even if I miraculously hit 10cm I wouldn't have had the energy to push.
The doctor told me it was time to bite the bullet and do the c section. She said she would let me labor longer if I wanted. My husband helped me decide I didn't have the power to wait any longer.ย 
Baby was born at 11:56pm on January 13. Turns out she was sunny side up and her head wasn't able to get through my pelvic bone.
She was 7lbs 15 oz due to all the fluid they pumped me with. She looked huge! Before we left the hospital she was 7lbs 3oz and now she's just a little peanut.
My birth story is literally my worst nightmare I was terrified I would labor for 24 hours and be forced to get a c section. I can't believe it actually happened!!
I love her so much though. I'd do it again and again if it meant I got to snuggle her.
We named her Adalynn Jae.ย