Someone please help..

Kierstin • Wife to an amazing Husband and Mommy to an amazing little girl 💕
So I'm 19 "I know I'm young" but I got married at 17 to my best friend💟! We've been TTC for 2 years because we wanted to start a family right away. At age 14 I got diagnosed with endometriosis. It was so so so so so so so bad! My periods were horrible, I got 2 or 3 periods a month, I had to become homeschooled because I was missing so much school. Well I went to my OBGYN and she told me that I should have laparoscopic surgery. So I did, I quit taking all my meds, and after about 3 months felt amazing. My doctor told me that my surgery went Great and that it wasn't near as bad as she thought. My question is...I don't have problems any more "thank God" I don't hurt on my periods "cramping but that's it" I have very regular periods, sex dosnt hurt and I have NO signs of endometriosis after my surgery. So why am I having such a hard time getting pregnant? Is there something I'm missing?Â