Hope after a miscarriage. (My Story)

Mackenzie • R.I.P Baby L ❤ 1/12/15 Mommy loves you!

I wanted to share my story. Hoping maybe someone else can relate. I miscarried my little angle January 13th 2016. It was Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> I took a test and I seen a faint line. We were at my boyfriends parents house. I tested every day after that for 6 days watching the line get darker and darker. I set up my doctors appointments. I started taking prenatal vitamins 5 weeks 2 days which is late I know. I was actually depressed alot because I think I new someone was wrong. I just wasn't getting excited over it. I ended up stressing out over the top. To the point where I think if affected the baby alot. I started spotting brown and bleeding right after my early 6 week scan. I knew I was miscarring.... it was one of the worst feelings to have the one thing in life I wanted so badly ripped away from me. We were so excited to be parents. But i think we both knew this baby wasn't healthy enough to continue. I lost my little angle natural miscarriage. I bleed for 7 days and recovered very fast my Numbers dropped so fast. From 123 to 98 in 4 hours when I got tested twice that day. I cried My eyes out at the hospital when they gave me the news but I already knew at that point. Weeks after life goes on. Yes I feel sad. No I'll never forget my angle. And yes I have healed fast. When I lost the baby I decided no more stress, no more depression, no more negative thoughts. I turned my life around I picked My self up and told my self you are happy life is good. This is another one of God's lessons. Here I am weeks after happy, healthier, and trying again. I test on Sunday. Yes it's soon but I belive this baby taught me more in life than anyone will understand. It taught me stress is a killer, life goes on after a loss, I'm strong, that even no its gone it's watching over me in heaven, and alot more. My mom always told me look on the bright side of things because in every dark day there is some light. That's exactly what I did. When I got pregnant I was mid way through my training to be a gym trainer. I almost quit but when I miscarried I decided to hop back into it and was skating 2 days after miscarrying and doing light activity now I'm training hard core again and feel great. I am eating so much healthier, I'm way happier. My boyfriend is living with me life at this point is good amazing and great. I will never forget My little angle but I will always be greatful for how it in proved my life in that little time. How many lessons it taught me. And how it made me fight for a better life in the end. I have lots of hope for another pregnacy. I have hope for a healthy one too. No im not worried about miscarrying again to be honest. I just know deep in My heart everything will work out the way God has planned.

R.I.P Baby L ❤(1/13/2016)

TTC Baby #2 (Baby L was number one)

I hope this inspired and helped someone else going through this. There is always light in a dark day you just need to find it.