BF and pumping

Molly • IVF/ICSI 2015 👶 Jan 2016 FET 2020 👶April 2021
My son is a little over a month old. Has had a poor latch from the start. He began showing some improvememt with that and I thought we were doing well, when my pedi told me he is about one pound underweight for his age. Now I am worried and feeling so bad like he hasn't been getting enough. Typically, he fights latching on for a few min then gets a good latch and I hear good swallowing for awhile. Then after 10-15 min he will pull himself off the nipple when he is finished. A few days ago I started pumping to see what I am producing and it took me almost an hour to get two ounces and that is from BOTH breasts. I have been alternating between nursing and pumping and have seen a slight increase in milk. However, I am trying to start building a supply. I have two bottles in the fridge with 3 ounces in each, I wanted to fill some freezer bags in 4 oz servings but now I am wondering, should I just feed the ones in the fridge to my son now or keep nursing while having no idea how muh he's getting? When he is on my breast he squirms, kicks and acts like I am feeding him hot lava for about 5-10 min before finaly latching. At that point I am practically in tears from frustration but try to stay calm and stick with it. I know this post is long and ramblely but does anyone have any advice for a first time Mom?