losing hope (vent)

I am at the end of my rope and I don't know which way to go. I have been divorced once and now I am remarried. My marriage is going downhill. We fight every couple days or so. Today is one of those days and I am feeling worthless. He called me a bitch (not the first time I've heard that from him) because I was trying to tell him my feelings about things going on recently and ask him what he thinks I can do to make things better. He can't even have sex with me anymore. he's completely uninterested and we've only been married since August 2015. he says it's because he doesn't have any drive to do anything in general, such as work, sex, ride his motorcycle, etc. It is such a roller coaster with him and it doesn't help that my hormones are all over the place because I'm taking clomid. we've been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. right now he's locked himself in "his bedroom" and won't speak to me. he says to quit being up in his sh** and just sit here and process what comes out of his mouth. There is so much more to all of this but it would be 20 pages long. I just feel like I am the source of all his unhappiness and I don't know what to do besides quit speaking up or being concerned about him.