
Okay so I'm solely looking for advice, please no judgemental comments, if you haven't been through a similar situation, or have anything nice to say just don't say anything at all. :)

I'm about 28 weeks pregnant and smoking habitually before i was pregnant and have found it hard to stop since I've become pregnant. I have wanted to stop for a while now but my husband smokes and encourages me to smoke. I still want to stop because the state that i live in (tx) it's still illegal here, and not because i feel its harming me or my baby. I went through a ob gyn and was open with them stating i wanted to stop but haven't and they told me if I come up dirty one more cps will get involved. I obviously became scared and did not appreciate how the doctors office wasn't personal, they didn't seem to really care about me and i never saw the same person, so i opted to try a midwife at home. When i realized you can't trust who you let in your home and with limited resources i ended up at a midwife birthing center. When she got my paperwork transferred from the hospital, she saw it had active on marijuana use so she wanted to drug test me, which i passed, but she still wanted to "risk me out" so now she's sending me to another center that has midwives, however, they go with you to the hospital to have your baby up there instead of at the center or at home, which I'd prefer. So being that i just stopped, and they more than likely are gonna test my baby and see that i was dirty up until now, i just want to know will cps take my baby away? Has anyone ever gone through this? Marijuana was all i smoked, nothing else, can you share your story to give me a better idea on what to expect when i have her?