"Trying without trying!"

Felisha • 23 years old! Been an Air Force wife for over 2 years! Have a cat named Comet and a Dog named Rocky! Currently TTC
I really don't understand how it is possible to do that. I feel like you are either trying or you are taking the necessary steps to prevent pregnancy. I have been TTC for 5 months now and all I hear is people telling me to "stop trying" and it will happen. When I think of not trying, I think of using condoms, the pullout method, birth control, etc. You know, the things that signal that you aren't trying. I feel like if you aren't doing any of that, you are trying. I am not really sure who came up with this concept of "trying without trying." I feel like even if you aren't tracking your cycle, you know when you're ovulating because you produce a lot of CM during ovulation. I just find the whole idea of this concept so frustrating because it's an impossible task to accomplish! As long as you are having sex without any kind of protection, you are trying. Almost every woman knows what can happen if you have sex without protection and if you make the choice to do that, you are implying that you are ready for a baby. It's just as simple as that. There is no magical trick to TTC and there is no magical way to trick your brain into thinking that you aren't trying. I just wish people would stop coming up with all of these tricks that are supposed to magically help women conceive. TTC is not magical in any way. It's frustrating, tireing, disappointing and can even be empty. I'm not sure what universe the people who came up with this "trick" live in but, in the real world, there is almost nothing magical about TTC. I think the more women believe that there is some magic to it, the more they are going to be disappointed. I have been waiting for 5 months for this magic moment to just happen and even trying to make sex this magical thing. I was so sure that if I made things magical, I would get pregnant but, life isn't some fairytale and you can't just sit around waiting for things to just happen. You have to be the one to make them happen.