HELP!! 2nd day missed period!

Jessy • Hello! My name is Jessy. I am a certified Dental Assistant, and a Certified Health Insurance Agent!
So I have been cramping for a few days. My breast have just started to feel sore. Normally I will cramp and be nauseous for a whole week before my period. But this time it feels different. I actually had to vomit during lunch yesterday with my hubby. I never vomit! As nauseous as I get, it just never happens. Until yesterday. We don't want to overthink. Because we get excited for no reason. I took a test (E.p.t)  3 days before missed period. And there was a faint positive line. Then took one on my 1 day before missed period. This time I took a First Response test and it came out BFN. So it was en emotional roller coaster. Now I will be getting a blood test done this weekend to just be completely sure. Anyone has had a similar case? Such as symptoms and missed period days. LMK--- very curious to know! Xoxo