Ladies! Please I need your help.

So my husband had gotten a girl pregnant in high school before we even knew of each other. She didn't end up keeping the baby. Well now with one child and happily married we  were good..are good. Well last night I had a nightmare about him cheating and it felt so real. So I went to check his phone just because. (we both have codes to our phones, just in case we need to use each other's phone) Knowing that I can trust him I just wanted to have reassurance. So I go on Instagram and I go to direct messages. I ended up finding a blank picture on it which was weird well.. Turns out he used that picture to send her a "message." Which was a month ago!!  He basically was saying he had been thinking of how badly he treated her back when she was on and so forth..he then apologized to her and ended there. We have a great relationship to where we both just need to give a heads up before we do something that will look bad. I was so upset about two things: one, that he didn't just simply tell me that he was going to message her to apologize and two, to tell me what exactly he needed to apologize for.. I honestly feel like wtf!? I thought we had enough trust to just be like hey I'm going to message her to just apologize..I'm not a jealous person but when it is about an ex you use to have sex with and had something with I'll be so livid! And he is the one that is crazy jealous...ugh..please ladies send me some advice and words of encouragement..thanks