
Jasmine • February 3rd, 2016.. Was the most amazing day of my life 💙🍼👶🏽
So I just had my son on February 3rd.. I'm a first time mom, and I couldn't ask for a better baby. All I want to do is be with him 24/7.. The only thing bothering me right now are my parents.. This is there first grandchild..  So there just really being too much, I've only been home for 3 days, and they're just always trying to take him from me or his dad & hold him & my mom invites HER friends over to come see him.. My dad (doesn't live with my mom) is constantly trying to make my son sleep over his house! And my mom omg as soon as she comes in the house she tries to wake him up even if I tell her not to she always tries to over ride what I say but then when I let her hold him she tries to tell me what to do with my son . Like honestly I'm at a point where I'm going to flip on the both of them, please tell me what I should do !!!?