Is rape play and rape the same?

So. I run a porn and sexual fantasy tumblr for people to come and watch porn and let out there sexual fantasies without feelings judged and stuff. And they can talk to me safely about there sexual fantasies that they've been thinking about and it makes them feel better --- well Recently someone went off on me because I had a rape play gif on my tumblr which is sexual fantasy where a women wants to be violated and taken advantage of because it makes them feel sexy and wanted and needed sexually. He told me it was creepy and weird. He also said anyone with that kinda fantasy should DIE and to have a fantasy of rape is like having a fetish of being killed by a terrorist. I just wanted opinions on this subject. Does anyone have a rape fantasy or is it wrong? I understand rape is wrong and traumatizing!! But I don't see rape play and rape are the same ): I would never wish rape apon anyone! and I'm sorry if this offended anyone ): 

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