Rant about the unknown and scheduling

Rachael • Married to my wonderful wife, mom to D, twins on the way. lots of other roles and titles.
I had my retreival two Saturday's ago. My doctor was way less than thrilled with how many follicles I had. I had 9 and 6-8 he thought would be mature. He only got five, four were mature. All four fertilized and three made it to blast and are frozen. We're waiting on the PGS results but in the meantime my cycle went less than stellar and I can't get a freaking phone call with him to figure out what it all means, what he thinks happened, whether he thinks we should do another cycle before transfer (which will depend somewhat on the PGS) or anything like that. We have no diagnosis, all the labs check out beautifully. I'm only 30, but if we're already having trouble getting enough follicles it's not likely to get better and we're trying for baby 1. 
I'm totally confused and panicked because I know I want two (I hated being an only) and I feel like we may have to plan for baby #2 now instead of waiting until we have #1. 
And his office keeps saying his schedule only has time for calls which is fine except I'm sure I'll have to pay for it and they keep sending me one time at a time and they're two weeks out minimum. My wife and I both have high level and very busy jobs so sending us a single time that we can talk to him makes it very difficult. It's like they expect I'll be able to cancel just about any meeting and that's not always possible. So I feel like we're going to get genetic results then not get to talk to him for 2-3 weeks about the outcome and I just don't know what's next. I know this is a rest cycle no matter what but even if we do a frozen transfer in March I still feel like I need to know that and prepare for it.
I'm someone who needs a lot of info and I'm always happy to do my own research but I just hit a point where my capacity to figure this piece out is minimal without his advice and expertise. He's one of the most well thought of and successful fertility doctors and I like him a lot but this piece has me falling apart.
Sorry for the rant...just needed to put it somewhere.