I feel like I don't do enough.

So my husband and I both work pretty demanding full time jobs. His is physically demanding (master electrician), and mine is emotionally draining (funeral director.) When we throw on sweats, I make some kind of quick dinner, and then we watch tv until we fall asleep. So as you can imagine, housework piles up. Usually, I do light stuff, like dishes and folding a bit of laundry during the week, and leave the big stuff for my days off (as rare as they are). But lately, I'm extremely tired, and I feel like I'm not doing enough. It drives me crazy that the dishes pile up, the floors need swept, that same pile of laundry doesn't go away. Very rarely do I ask him for help because I know he's tired too, but when I do cave in and ask, he lays tells me he'll do it tomorrow, and he never does. Aside from that, I have this weird sense of pride in doing these things myself. I feel obligated. Not as a wife or woman, but as a person in general. But I just can't get to it all. And I feel ashamed and bothered by how much stuff is piling up. Does anyone else feel this way? God, how much worse will it be when there are kids involved??? How do you all combat this?