Baby movement???

So I'm 40 weeks today and usually the baby is SUPER active, and on her less active days I can always get my 10 kick count easily because when she is active on lighter days she's still super strong and crazy for about an hour or so...  Well yesterday I had my 40w apt and her heart rate was around 121, at 39w apt it was around 135, and before those it had always been around 140-145 ish. Yesterday I still got my 10 kicks, but they were more of her just rolling, and light movement, but I got them. Today I felt her for a few minutes, but it was hard to get the 10 kick count because she was so lightly active...should I be concerned of her decrease in activity even though I'm getting the 10 kick count like the doctor asked? Should I call in and let them know what's going on, or is baby probably fine?? 
FTM so I don't know what's normal and what isn't...
UPDATE: I've called, and was told to try drinking a ton of ice water and lay down. And once she starts moving to time it for 2 hours and see if I get my 10 movements and call them back after.