're what? !

●ada● • 01/07/2016. Prego. Due sometime mid October. :-) my SO is my best friend, my lover, my rock, my tank. And together, we are about go on the wonderful journey of parenthood..

After months of planning, it finally happened. I'm pregnant. Great, fantastic! I'm so happy! But I'm also finding out how unprepared we are. Financially..we are great...but we are finding out REALLY QUICK, that we should have planned and looked into finding a good obstetrics/gyno, that can take me from day one, to post delivery. It's SOOOOO hard finding a "good office/good doctor"...we found out two days ago, and I have been obsessing looking online for doctors for my first prenatal visit. All of them have HORRID reviews left on yelp. ..from horrible and improper work ethics, to horrible front desk/nurse experience..

I FINALLY was able to get a referral from someone that had a good doctor. .i called them this morning at 9 30 am. I was on hold for 30 minutes before someone even spoke to me. This woman answers and asks me what my insurance is. .i tell her, she says "one moment", places me on hold (FOR 35 MINUTES) THEN THE PHONE HANGS UP.! had to call AGAIN, in hold again for 30 minutes. .finally booked an appointment on the 18th this month.

For the most part, I'm fine. .since I don't smoke nor drink...but it will be horrid quiting caffeine...I love my morning coffee...

I'm so confused. websites contradict says u can have a cup of coffee a day with no issues, while other sites will tell u even one cup can cause birth defects and still born...

I'm less than 5 weeks now. still really early. ..but I'm freaking out with how will the doctor visit go. ..I'm in complete dark as to what to eat ( I'm UNDERWEIGHT), and could never go past 90 lbs..I don't look 90 lbs..I look at least 105...I shock doctors when I get on the scale. ..I'm not bulimic, I don't have worms...I'm simply always been tiny...but I'm worried. ..I wanted to go to a doctor asap, and it turns out most are not up to par.

Me and my SO are quickly realizing that getting pregnant was the easiest thing ever (even though it took months and months of doing and tracking everything)...all that looks so easy with what's going on NOW in our lives. .so unknown..and the Internet only confuses you more. ..