Confused, depressed i just wish this pain ends today!

Melanie • 29yrs - TTC 6months ago- never used birth control
Back in 2010 i have had a surgery to remove a 6cms chocolate cyst on my right ovary, i was single and still virgin back then. I got married in february and a had a long cycle on march so i got myself checked up by a ob/gyn who said he's seeing a large chocolate cyst on my left ovary and another smaller one on the right one,he said i needed <a href="">IVF</a> to conceive but i refused since it was my first month TTC and my i thought that cycts are full because my period is late. I waited two cycles and got myself checked by another ob/gyn who said that cyst is no more then 4-5cms on the left one and nothing on the right one. I stopped seeing doctors because all they do is freaking me out. Out of the 8months i can say i was ttc for only 3. Today i got my period, my husband was not happy at all when i informed him, i even felt he is being mean to me. Ttc is geting both of stressed that s why im thinking to undergo another laparoscopy to improve my chances although some of the doctors i saw told me that another surgery is dangerous and may cause adhesions. Sorry for my long story but i really find it helpful when i talk and get an advice from people like me.