Well what now....? Really long but help!!!!

I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant. My husband and I had a HORRIBLE fight tonight. All because of VERY old pics of mine on fb that male friends of mine liked a VERY long time ago. (FYI I'm not even friends with these people anymore) Yes literally. That's it. This fight was a home wrecking fight and he claims he can't trust me or my friends or anything. He even asked for a DNA test. I go to work go home eat and sleep. That's all I have time for during any given day!! His ex wife cheated on him for 7 years while he was deployed or even just at training. Well now there's me the not gonna freaking cheat wife and he does this crap all the time! I feel like he's always comparing me to her. I stopped talking to damn near all my friends because of his insecurities. He's got a new job now that'll have him deploying again for a year at a time. Ik he's freaking out about that but damn why am I at fault for HER mistakes?!? Also to add to that stress we have been in financial hardship since he got out of the military and has been at training for a month and has only been paid ONCE which wasn't even the correct amount nor was it even on the correct day!! And again this time around! So we've gone in the negative twice and my paycheck can't cover all our bills alone. So after this insane fight I smoked 4 cigs. I feel COMPLETELY horrible for doing that!!!!!! I'm freaking out about my marriage, finances, my husband and now my baby!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!! I'm sorry this was really long and it may not make much sense so I apologize for that too!