Weight holding

🐵🦉🦖🦊 • SAHM 🧒JEC 5/12/11 🧒CIC 3/20/14 🧒IJC 3/25/16 👼JRC 9/7/17 - 5/31/18

So this my 3rd pregnancy I'm 32wks and 5days. With my first and second I gained weight very consistently. I gained 55lbs with my first and 43lbs with my second and lost it all with them both. At each dr visit with my first 2 I would see a different number on the scale. With this one I haven't gained any weight in almost 2 months. I also showed consistent growth with my fundal height with my first 2 but not with this one. Something just doesn't seem right. My midwife was wanting to wait and see what happened at a couple visits before being concerned. So since it's been about 4 visits since weight gain and inconsistent measurements. She went ahead and scheduled me an ultrasound for growth. I'm really nervous. Anyone else experience this in subsequent pregnancies

Edit: i started off at 120lbs