Okay, so my husband and I had sex multiple times a day almost everyday this past month. Now, 6 days away from my period I'm getting odd symptoms. (I thought the same thing last month but ended up starting my period early..but this month is worse)

1) nauseous (I've had previous medical problems that make me nauseous and vomit but now I'm nauseous almost all day)

2) back acne (not common at all.. not since I was like 13 haha)

3) can't sleep to save my life (normally I'm a sleeper and get about 9-10 hrs a night)

4)cramps ( different then normal-more on the sides)

5) I got a yeast infection (sorry I know that's TMI but I never really get them...although I know it could be from the extensive amounts of sex I've had.)

6) possible spotting X2 (Couldn't tell if it was blood or my dark panties were just wet)

Also, been off birth control TTC since October 2015