So glad to be home after quite the eventful birth experience

Bridget • Battlebuddies11_16
So glad to be home after quite the eventful birth experience. I was scheduled for my induction at 39+2 Monday and very early Sunday I began to have contractions on my own. The got closer and stronger and we called and they told us to come in. I ate a bagel as I wasn't sure when I'd get to eat again and that is very difficult by the way eating and contracting. Then they we sooooo painful I was like we gatta go! We got to the hospital at about 4 they took us to a room at about 4:30 and I was screaming for pain meds. They started fluids and I began feeling a TON of pressure she said I was a 4-5cm dilated and then about 20 min later I was at an 8-9cm. All of the sudden I felt like he was "in my BUTT" an the nurse asked if I felt pushy. I said yes and the other nurse checked and said I had a lip but I could push past it. And they asked me to push and immediately said to stop and page the Doctor. I couldn't stop the Dr can in and I had already delivered his head and one more push he was here! The doc had one arm in his gown! The nurses' arms!! He is now nicknamed torpedo!! After having that experience I went to recovery and felt gushing and the Healthcare Tech took one look and came back with the Dr and I be an to hemorrhage. I was rushed to the OR and got a D&C and now with 2 bags of blood I feel like a human again and so happy to be home with my little man!