How much sex is too much sex?

This might be long but...
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months and ever since our first time 3 months ago we've had sex at LEAST every other day if not every day. Sometimes even twice in a day. Sex with him is amazing and he feels the same way. Before meeting each other neither of us had much of a sex-drive with our past significant others. But now, with each other both of our sex-drives skyrocketed. Key thing is: sex is definitely not the main thing in our relationship. We still go on dates and cuddle a lot and just have fun together. We both agree that the romantic side of our relationship is great and that its more important than the sexual side. We both love each other a lot. But I seriously wonder: how much would you consider to be too much sex? Should we take a break for a few days so we don't start getting tired of it all of a sudden?