Selfish with time

Anyone else feel like their significant other is selfish with their time? My fiancé works 60 hour work weeks and has two days off a week. For awhile now we've been agreeing on him having one day off to do whatever he wants/needs to do and then one day he's supposed to spend helping me do stuff around the house to get ready for the baby well needless to say the last few weeks every time it's supposed to my day he always blows it off or something comes up and what I need to get done doesn't get done and I'm getting tired of it. I've organized and cleaned every room in our house except the study because it's all of his things so he wants to do it so he can file things etc...well that's where the baby and all his stuff is going so I'm getting upset that it keeps getting put off. He was supposed to do it today and he asked if he could go fish with his brother for a short while I said yes five and half hours later he's still not on the way! I usually am pretty lax about things I know he works hard and needs some time but what about what I need! I'm always home with our children or at school since I'm a full time student. I don't feel like it's asking too much but I guess it is! Sorry for the long rant I'm just wondering if anyone else is dealing with this or has dealt with this and what to do about it 😞