Smokers TTC?

July 2014, my closest sibling (my older brother) committed suicide in our home. I went into this whole depression stage where I was trying to look for anything to stop the hurting and get my mind off seeing his lifeless body and the wall covered in blood and brains! But what really got to me was that he left no note, said no goodbyes, sent any alarming texts, NOTHING!! So it bothered me to where I wouldn't eat, hard to sleep, and I just cried my eyes out in the dark. I lost touch with the outside world. I basically lost many friends due to lack of communication, I quit my job and I had gotten to the point where I no longer wanted to be here! I didn't (and still don't) have anyone to talk to and express myself cause where I'm from there is so much judgement and criticism. Soon I was heavily into marijuana and the cigarettes, and only honest and true smokers know it's easier said than done to quit. So basically now I'm a little better because I have a wonderful fiancé who's stayed by my side to help through some of my issues, but him being a guy, there are things I can't even discuss with him. I have a job now, an apartment with him, and doing fairly well ... (Here's the point!) He and I are ready for a family and we've been trying for awhile and you know those warnings on the cigarette boxes ".....smoking could cause infertility" has me pretty worried that my bad habit has become a curse and maybe it's the reason I can't conceive😔 I just want to know have any smokers had any difficulty TTC? Or have any smokers been able to have a successful pregnancy? If you stopped smoking, how hard was it? Any tips on how to quit? I can't be the only one in this situation. And also, I'm pretty new to this and really just reaching out to find a friend. I'm not looking for judgement, so please keep all the negative comments to yourself.