How do you deal with bad advice?

Chelsey • 2 years of Trying for our 1st Baby, now working with fertility DR. In the midst of the storm,God will be your Sunshine!
Sometimes venting just helps... But the responses can really irritate me! From friends and family: just give it time! (As if 3 years isn't enough time) 
It will happen when the time is right! (Is there a right time my ovaries are waiting for to decide they are going to work?)
Just stop trying and it will happen? (Oh thanks! You know that so well since you have never had to try) 
At least you get to have a lot of sex(yeah very painful sex because my ovaries are so enlarged from all the dang clomid!) 
My favorite: "It could be worse, you could have cancer... Or you could be that woman on the news who just lost there spouse! 
Like really!!! What do you do with responses like that?