Am I over analyzing my medical care?

Okay so recently I moved an hour away from my previous place of living and my previous doctors. I looked hard and found one doctor that seems to have a lot of reviews so I went along with him. When I first met the doctor it was in the hospital because his office sent me there due to pre labor symptoms. Right away he gave me steroid shots  and want to put me in a bunch of different treatments like magnesium and procardia.  I was in the hospital 5 days and only saw him twice.  Later I shrugged it off as him just being busy.  They gave me procardia which I was a bit reluctant to take because they didn't know my history and I haven't gotten a chance to get a copy of my file from the other doctors. The procardia made my heart bet so fast and my chest hurt. I stopped taking it at home and every since I left that hospital I have palpitations and sporadic heart stops. 
Anyway I was told to come to his office once a week, it's been 2 months and I've maybe seen him 2 or 3 times for about 3-5 mins and I only see his nurse practitioner. My previous doctors always told me when I'll be delivering especially because I had c-sections. Today his NP told me she didn't and couldn't tell me a dat for my scheduled csection because they had to leave slots open for other people so they want to wait till I'm closer? I just feel weird and I think I should take the hour commute back to my other doctors.  What do you think? Anyone experience procardia? Shouldn't I have a date scheduled? My previous doctors scheduled me before moving. Thanks!