Need to vent. First home.

Paige • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

So my man and I have been together for years, but aren't married. We're expecting our first child in July, and thought we'd buy a house together to accommodate our growing family.

I just spent the last two years in college, and starting working my amazing job in November making $85/hour, but I'm technically self employed, and therefor my monthly pay fluctuates a little.

When we went to the bank to be approved for the mortgage, they said they couldn't put me on it because I don't get paystubs and have an irregular income, and would have to look at my income tax over the last two years, but since I was in college, I wasn't making money then. There was no other way around it, so the mortgage is only in his name.

We just found the perfect place, and were going to make an offer today. We had decided a long time ago that the house would be in both of our names, since we'll both be paying into it. He made an appointment with the realitor, and then told me when it was and that HE was going to sign the papers, and that I didn't need to come. When I told him I wanted to be there, he said okay, and then we didn't really talk about it much until i got home. I asked why he thought that I wouldn't come, and he told me that since the mortgage was in his name, the house would be too. He had made up the whole contract with the realitor without filling me in or asking for my input, and told the realitor to put it only in his name, and didn't even bother forwarding me the contract to read over.

I told him no, that it was supposed to be in my name too, and he eventually gave in even though I could tell that wasn't what he wanted, and we headed down to sign everything.

I'm so pissed. I had no idea what was going on and felt like an idiot because I had to sign everything completely blindly. I didn't get a chance to see the documents before signing them, and there wasn't time to read them since it was after hours. I feel like he just tried to fuck me over and like he wants it to be his house instead of ours.

I don't understand why he just tried to cut me out like that. We were supposed to be a family moving into our first family home and it was supposed to be an exciting day for us. I didn't talk to him at all after we left and have been sitting in the bedroom upset since. He completely ruined this for me.