need serious advice.. feel so alone.

before i start off lets make it clear - i pay the rent, my fiancee pays car insurance and car payments. also, we have a new couch. i picked which side is "mine" because i have sciatica and its most comfortable for me. so today, my fiancee only works 5 hours. gets home. takes me to the bank and my eyebrow appt which is on the way to the bank. we get home. he sits on the couch and has beers for 4 hours while i: make a nice dinner, make or daughter dinner, do the dishes after dinner, pack my fiancess lunch for work, fold some laundry. and him? still on the couch drinking. so i say now im going to sit down so can i have my spot especially since my back was severely stiff. he gives me a hard time. that this isnt my spot that he got here first etc. we end up in a HUGE argument. i tell him all he does after work is sit on the couch and have beers. that he does nothing around the house to help me and he tells me its my job cause he works. well he worked 5 hours today so why am i doing everything around the house alone? i told him he can pack his own lunches now clean his own dishes and do his laundry. so he tells me that i can find my own rides when i need to go somewhere because the cars his. so i said thats like me saying i pay the rent so find somewhere to go and he says he doesnt care he has places he can go... im so torn. mind you i moved out of my moms house where i had 24/7 access to a car to live with him. now my mom feels betrayed and we dont speak. i tell him im sick of how he talks to me and how miserable he is and he tells me to do something about it... i really dont know what to do anymore. he works yes but when he comes home he sits on the couch having beers everyday. my job is morning to night with no help.