Confusing test results...


Okay so, for the last week I have been feeling lots of weird ways.. Over emotional, backache, headache, sore boobs and nipples (which I never get with my period), larger, darker nipples, nausea after eating, etc... So many symptoms.

Of course, I took a test. Faint positive. Yay my bfp. Keep testing over the course of 5 days. Lots of mixed results, but most of them favorable. So I tell myself "its just the concentration of urine, duh". I made an appointment and had a blood test. The doctor told me she was "hopeful" that I was pregnant.

Well, today I got the call. Negative. Again. What is wrong with me? What do I do? I still have the same symptoms, and haven't gotten my period. Please help if you can. How do we proceed from here?