Advice/support ?


Hi guys so I never have really opened up about my struggles to anyone but I thought it would help to get some advice from others maybe to brighten my mood. I've been fighting depression dealing with my issues.

So I'm 23. Been trying to conceive for 3 years now with my current SO.

Some background info. My cycles are VERY irregular. They are all over the place . Anywhere from 28-45 days. Ever since I got my period at 11. I was on birth control at 13 just to regulate my cycles. Haven't been on it since I was like 18. I have had a vaginal ultrasound and everything tested and everything is normal.

On July 21, 2013 I had my first miscarriage. It was an early one about 5 weeks. A complete surprise and heartbreak at the same time. Since then we have been trying. Now last week, 3 years later, I felt different and decided to take a test. I took 4 tests within 3 days and all where faint positives. I was so happy and excited, but soon enough AF came. Turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. I am completely devastated. I had just gotten over my 1st pregnancy yes 3 years later and suddenly my depression is back. It sucks because I can't really talk to anyone about it and make SO doesn't understand from a woman's point of view.

My question is what should I do? Is there hope? Has anyone gone thru something similar? I feel so hopeless like I'm not meant to be a mother and it kills me.

Any advice, suggestions would be appreciated.
