He's the best.. ❤️

Anna • Small town girl, loving life
So I just want to brag on my husband for a second.. 
Today hasn't been my day at all.. Forgot to set my alarm so I was late for a doctor appt. Doctor appt. didn't go so well (I've had strep throat for 4 days now 😫) go to get my medicine and I realize I left my wallet setting in the room I was in at the doctor.. Had to go back to get it, then go back and pay for my meds.. get to work and literally everyone called in today so I'm basically trying to be 10 other people.. Got off 3 hours late. Get home start supper and I went to get something out of my truck and the water I had boiling for spaghetti had boiled over all over my floor.. Totally forgot about the bread in the oven so My husband walks in just as I'm cleaning it up and I just lost it.. I sat in my floor and cried.. He leans over and picks me up and holds me and let's me just cry it out for a good 5 minutes... Takes me to the living room, takes my shoes off and turns the tv on and goes back and finishes supper.. I am so blessed to have him.. Some days, like today.. It's good to just have someone to tell you it's going to be alright and pick you up when you can't pick yourself up anymore ❤️❤️