Vaginal Birth or C-section?

I had my first son Nov. of 2014 and ended up having 3rd degree tears that I still suffer from over a year later. I've done my research and it's about 50/50 that I will tear again, or worse or not even at all. I'm honestly terrified of the recovery from tearing, I couldn't enjoy my son for a while because it hurt to sit, stand, lay down and any normal movements send me into a lot of pain. I would really like to opt for a c-section (which I know is painful and is a surgery) because it honestly sounds 100x easier than going through the pain that I went through. Really want opinions about whether I should try for the vaginal delivery again or just opt for the c-section. 
NOTE: I've already spoken with my doctor and he is willing to do whatever I'm comfortable with. 

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