Rude Comments

We have had two miscarriages over the past 6 months. In this time, we have had our share of rude comments from family and friends. These are just some of them. People have no idea how they hurt you. Seriously, why can't they just say they're sorry, acknowledge that it was a loss, and then shut the hell up! What is your response when you get rude comments?!
"Just keep trying." (said by a pregnant woman who had no problems getting pregnant and has no idea)
"It just wasn't meant to be." (If I had a dollar for every time this was said)
"God just needed another angel." (easy for you to say when God didn't ask you for yours)
"Well at least it happened when it did." (Or start naming all the people they know that were further along when they miscarried. You know, it must have been so much harder for them) 
"It's not all that great, you know. My baby screams constantly." (Said by a family member who has a 3 month old and is all the sudden pregnant again! Without trying! Does nothing but bitch about her kid and her pregnancy symptoms every time we're around her!)
"Just relax. You're too worried about it."
"You were in Mexico before. Could it be caused by the Zika virus?" 
"Think of all the fun you'll have trying again!" (Um, no. We're having sex on a schedule. We are way past fun.)