Confused, please help.

So I know they say you don't look at the test after the designated time. But I thought there was no way I could be pregnant this month, husband and I only had sex once (I know it only takes one time) he has a low sperm count and we are about to do <a href="">IUI</a>. Anyway I'm a couple days late and I took a test before my missed period and it was negative and then I took a test this morning and I didn't really wait the 5 min just saw and it was thought oh it's negative and threw it away. Well I came back upstairs 30 min or so later and just looked at it and it was a faint line. I don't know if this is an evap line or a faint positive. I then dug out the first test from before my missed period and compared and that one didn't have an evap line. 
Please help..