Boyfriend cheated while I'mEx-Husband sends gift 4 years later after Im Pregnant by someone else. Mixed feelings what do you think?

I have two little boys currently and pregnant with my third but by another man. My ex husband was foreign and was highly influenced by his family. His family was racist to me and my sons but he did know how to respond or act since he was only here for 2-3 year with a language barrier.  To make a long story short it put a strain on our marriage and we fought and he ended up leaving  me and the kids. At the time I had a 1 year old and a 2 month old. After our divorce he never called or spent time with the kids, who are 5 and 7 now, he paid child support ABOT a year after divorce, he was steady with it. We were very inlove and I believe to this day I never stopped loving him but it took a long time to heal and move on and I some what did and met other people. So to fast foward, I met someone and were pregnant he is not a very family oriented person but we have or good and bad days. Recently he cheated on me while I was pregnant and around the same time my ex sent me gifts on xmas and my birthday requesting to spend time with the kids, but he did this after I was cheated on and he doesn't know anything about who I'm dating. . I was confused and hurt; One from my current bf who I live With and my ex husband because I still had no way to reach him just little notes from these gifts and I didn't know how to respond or feel if this is real or not . I stop trusting my current bf and don't feel attracted or want to be with him since his infidelity and I actually grew hopeful of my other kids father. In the note he mention to meet him at the store with the kids, I'm guessing the store he bought me the items from. I went there on the date he mentioned but never found him. I also written him back letters and didn't get a response. I started to feel sad and hurt again and confused, he is a very busy person since he owns a business but I don't know what to think. I wrote him and gave him my new address, I know that he got that letter because that's how he sent my birthday gift , the last one was to my old address. I don't feel connected with my current baby father , and my ex husband ... Well I was feeling hopeful but feel stupid now. Maybe he wants me to wait cause he got busy...... I don't know what to
Do or what to feel.  But j know right now I only think about my ex,  Any opinions? ( by the way: I loved my boyfriend and I did everything to be a family , but he kept flirting and does things I don't really think is good for a family, I stop caring and when my ex came in the picture I grew hopeful for my old family back)