Home birth discussion

Amanda C

So, I am not pregnant yet (in my TWW). We have been trying for 4 cycles (my cycles are 35 days, so that's 5 months of trying). My husband and I were talking about friends of ours and their birth experiences and I told him "I think I want to have a home birth" this didn't impress him much. He is concerned about safety. In Ontario a midwife is covered by our insurance and they will do home births of they feel that it would be safe to do so. Also the hospital is literally a 5 minute drive away. But he isn't comfortable with the idea, yet. I have tried explaining my reasonings. I don't want to be pressured into drugs or precedes I don't want or need, I want to be in charge of how I labour, I want to move around, take a bath or a shower in my own bathroom that I know is clean and I want to rest in my own bed. I know women who have given birth in birth centers and hospitals and their stores terrify me.

Has anyone come across this issue? How did you convince your husband to be ok with a home birth? He says "well I won't try to stop you" but I can't do it if he isn't 100% on board.