Emergency surgery at 21 weeks!

Jaime • PCOS & IVF mama to a beautiful 2yo girl and a surprise miracle girl born 2/6/18!
Super Bowl Sunday afternoon I started feeling a lot of pain in my lower right abdomen, my husband called the ob's office and said keep and eye on it but take 1000mg of Tylenol. I did and was fine until I woke up Monday morning. I was in excruciating pain and listened to my baby girl on the doppler and she was doing well on my left side. After I couldn't take the pain anymore my amazing husband rushed me to the ER and after 12 hours that included ultrasounds, bloodwork, urine analysis, MRI and lots of pain meds they said I needed to have my appendix removed! If any of you have extreme pain DO NOT ignore it! If it would have burst, we both could have lost our lives. The hardest part was to hear them say "the pregnancy isn't viable at 21 weeks". It took 21 months and lots of ferrility treatments to get pregnant, it couldnt end like this! But we had no choice and I had to have the appendectomy. They said the 2nd trimester is the best time if you have to have surgery. Great news is that baby girl and I are fine and still home recovering but it was a terrifying experience. Here is the MRI of her with my inflamed appendix in white on the left.