Unsupportive partner and environment

Oh where to start. 
I've been in an abusive relationship 14 years ago, so I know one when I see it. Abusive does not always have to be physical. 
It's been like this for a while, we've only been together for under a year. I moved into his place with my few dogs who mean the world to me, he had his dog and few cats. 
After his dog (German Shepherd) attacked and not me a while ago I've been terrified of him. My partner excuses him for being angry and bored. When I found out I was pregnant I started to get much more sensitive to stress, noises would jump me more (I come from israel which I grew in an environment of war, so one can say I'm a light case of PTSD). His dog is constantly attacking M my other dogs which stresses me out even more as they are my comfort (mine are greyhounds). Every fight we ever had was over his dog. Over my fear of him. 
Last night I tried talking to him again (stupidly as I knew it will result in a fight) he blamed me for the 'unhealthy environment' I'm in, blamed me for everything's that wrong. Compared me to my parents (who were no parents and I despise them) and said I can pack my things and leave and when the child is born he will take it away from me. 
I have no family in the US or elsewhere, no income now as the pregnancy is taking a great toll on my body and feel lost. It's been days now that I don't sleep at night in the same bed as he, I can't eat as only the thought of food repulses me and I keep on losing weight. 
I'm just about 7 weeks pregnant now and I intend to keep this child no matter what. 
I don't really know why I wrote all this here as I can't find any solution. But maybe sharing would take some of the emotional nap toll off. ::sigh::