Spotting at 5 weeks

Hello ladies! I found out about 3 weeks ago now that I'm pregnant, originally I couldn't remember when my exact period was... So I had a due date of 9/25/16 but I got an ultrasound yesterday and turns out I'm 5 weeks and 6 days... And I've started spotting on Monday at first it was light and light in color and yesterday was a lot more and resembled blood also had a clot come out as well I freaked out and was crying so my ob wanted me to come in and got that ultrasound done. Peanut is way to small to tell anything but my uterus and ovaries look good nothing is going on abnormally down there that she saw. So I'm going back next Thursday when I'm a little further to see if it's anything serious.... I read that some bleeding/ clotting was normal and that's what my doctor told me as well, I guess we're all different! But until I find out next week I'm trying to rest and take it easy! It's extremely scary and I'm worried but trying to stay calm for the baby! Praying my peanut is ok... Has anyone else experienced this? This is my first pregnancy, and idk what to expect... Thanks