4 weeks and 1 day, symptoms fading.


This is baby number 3 and pregnancy number 4 for us. I found out 2 days ago I was pregnant. I started getting sore boob's on February 2nd. And today they're barely even hurting anymore. The only symptoms I've had besides that is bloating and a lot of CM (which is also lessening). But I am also starting to produce a little bit of milk again which I feel is good.

I have a little of a longer cycle ranging from 30-33 days so I still have 2 days until my expected period which is why I'm worrying about my breasts not hurting as much, because they normally stop hurting around my period.

I've read that symptoms can come and go and that you'll have better days and bad days. I'm just having a hard time being optimistic as I had a early miscarriage in September last year but I had no symptoms at all with that one. Is anyone else feeling the same way I am? I'm also due October 19th. Thank you ladies for reading 😊