Funny stares.

Jasmine • Engaged. Mother of a 4 year old girl. Pregnant with baby #2
Okay so like I have so many questions. 
For one ....
Anyone dating out of their race?
What kind of looks do you get?
How to you respond to the questions people ask you? Better yet what kind of questions so they ask you?
My boyfriend is 28,
White, Irish (obviously ...male)
Blue eyed (so sexy) Hahahah
And I'm 23 
Black female (ergo, my photo)
People stare at us and ask us the most ignorant and rude questions about our race like how does it work? Do you let him touch your hair?
What's it like being with a black/white female/male? And it's getting annoying
How do you make it stop or even be polite about it and tell them to stop?
We just want to enjoy our time together. 
 And not all the time it's bad. But at times we wish people would stop asking questions like that... Anybody else in the same boat or dating outside the race?