Really need to vent

So I'm 26 years old been with my husband for 3 years. I recently just got into the military and 6 months later I found out I was pregnant(we were trying for 4months).  I'm super mad and pissed off at the people I work withs comments. When I told this one guy I was pregnant he first said "atleast you know who your baby daddy is." Like who says that???? And I can't tell you how many people have asked me if "it was by accident." That's so rude!!! I work the midnight shift so by 5am I'm extremely exhausted and now 12 weeks prego I'm moody as well. Well this guy this morning found out I was pregnant and when he asked if I wanted a boy or a girl I said I didn't care(which I don't) but then he said "ohhh u prob don't even want a baby." I'm so sick of everyone's nasty rude comments. I barely got any congratulations. I have to be a little understanding though because in the military everyone gets married and has kids only because it doubles your pay so as sad as it is a lot of people(usually young 17&18 year olds) get married as a "business plan." I'm just going to assume people are being rude because everyone seriously thinks I'm not even 20 years old because I look young. However I will be 27 when I give birth and I've been wanting a family for a year or two. Can anyone say something to make me feel better because I'm still upset about so many peoples rude comments. Thanks.