Hunter Thomas. Born 02/09/16 and I ripped to my asshole & up my crack ladies!!!

LABOR & DELIVERY STORY: Labor was induced! With no pitocin! 39 weeks 1 day.. I went in and was a 3.5 already (I've been dilated to that for almost 2 weeks), they broke my water at 830 am. I walked around for a little bit. By noon I was almost a 5 and in pretty bad pain so I got in the bath and requested an epidural but had to wait for the anesthesiologist to get out of assisting a c section. After she administered the epi they checked me since I was getting comfortable and I was a 7. About 30 mins later I called the nurse lady and told her I felt a lot of pressure and she checked me and said I was ready to push. So I practiced pushing with the nurse for about 10 mins and then the doc came in and wanted to see where I was with the pushing.. When i felt the pressure I pushed for her and his head came out half way and she screamed at me to stop pushing so she could throw her gown on 😂 hahah she said she didn't realize I was that ready! Once she was ready she told me when I feel that pressure again to take a deep breath, hold it then push. So I did and his head came out. Three more pushes and he was out! Took maybe 10 mins altogether. But I did rip from my vagina to my asshole then all the way up my crack!!!! ☹️☹️☹️☹️ when they set Hunter on my chest I looked up at my husband and his face was pale and he took a couple steps back and fell into a chair, he looked clamy like he saw a ghost. After things settled down the nurse told me I have 3 stitches from my vagina to my rectum then 6 stitches from my rectum up my ass crack! And my husband said "Jordan, i thought your intestines were ganna fall out." Hahahha I said oh that explains why you looked like you were going to faint! Hunter was 8 pounds 11 ounces & 21 inches. Born at 2:48 pm. Worth every bit of pain and stitch. 😍💕