Feeling frustrated.

Ashleigh • Engaged to my best friend and soldier. We have a 5 year old son, and currently ttc our second ❤️
I'm literally dying to see those two lines on a pregnancy test. I have a five year old son from a previous relationship. My fiancé and I have been trying for 13 months now. January was my first cycle on clomid. Waiting to finally get that bfp, or for AF to start so we can try again next cycle! I hate how similar pms and pregnancy symptoms are. One minute I feel like I may have a pregnancy symptoms and the next I feel like it's just going to be AF around the corner. Does anyone have any success stories with clomid? As I said, this was my first round of clomid, 50mg days 5-9.. and AF is supposed to start Saturday or Sunday. I had bloodwork done to confirm I had indeed ovulated. I go Monday to have a blood hcg test done. If it comes back negative then I'll start provera again, and then clomid 100mg. Any words of wisdom or advice would be encouraging. Thanks in advance, and baby dust ladies 💜