Helena-Dr's visit and ER trip, 🙏🏻 needed

Hi ladies, today I have our update for our 9 weeks dr's appt and crazy visit to the ER.😔 It all started last night with cramping that began increasing throughout the night until😖 I saw no other option than calling my doc at 12am. She told to take sone smooth muscle relaxants and to wait a lil if the pain continue to go to the office in the  morning. Of course the pain continue and we became more worried about a MC so our dr saw us at mid-day. And Thanks to God our baby was jumpy w/HB of 186 bpm and seem healthy and perfectly moving, I on the other hand was sent to the hospital to discart possible Appendicitis. 😳😟 seriously appendicitis, now?!?! I had an ultrasound and bloodwork and they concluded that I could have one in progress but w/o enough evidence to certainly say so. Thus so far they have me waiting 12-24 hrs to repeat all testing again as they rather wait for a better conclusive results before placing me in an OR to remove my appendix at 9w pregnant! So far my status is intense constant pain, baby's Hb is a bit on the high side due to my tachycardia secondary to the pain.
We are all just waiting to test again and hopefully by then the pain will be gone or we'll go into surgery.
Here is our lil monkey at 8w6d... And so far everthing looks good in there. Hoping for better news in a couple of hrs...
Please send prayers🙏🏻🙏🏻 our way!!! We really want this pain to stop, we hope to don't need to go into surgery!!! 
Thank you ladies again for all the support!
Love, Helena