No Heartbeat or Blood Flow at 8 Week US

Went for our first ultrasound this morning and found the baby measures 8 weeks, which is correct according to my last period. However, there was no heartbeat or blood flow. They said the baby likely passed within the last day or so. I'm very disappointed. This is my second pregnancy, first possible miscarriage. I have no other symptoms of a miscarriage other than some lower back pain the past few days, but none today. I also have a very very light brown-ish tinge to my vaginal discharge. I didn't feel comfortable taking Cytotec or doing a D&C yet since I'm not bleeding heavily or feeling bad. Is it possible that when we go back next week, there could be a heartbeat? I know that's probably very naive of me, but I can't help but hope there's a chance. Either way, I've come to terms with it. Anyone else go thru a similar situation?