Acupuncture 😍

Alyssa • Married 3 years; step momma to 1 ❤️ TTC 4 years PCOS 6/15- miscarriage 1 11/15- miscarriage 2 1/16 miscarriage 3 1/23/16 Twins/ miscarriage twin 1- 4/1/18 twin 2 ectopic -4/7/18
Whether fertility acupuncture works or not is still up in the air and I guess we will see but as for it relaxing you I'd say it's incredible! I miscarried 3 weeks ago and for the first time in weeks I felt a sense of relief. I miss my baby so much and I honestly feel that acupuncture is healing all my hard feelings too. It's letting out all of the stess that I have been holding in! If you need something to get your mind off ttc struggles I would highly consider acupuncture!